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Happy Valentine’s Day 2023 – A Special Day For Couples In Love

Valentine’s Day is a day to praise love and celebrate romance, but if we go to find out the reason leading to the birth of this festival, we will not be left stunned. Its history is dark, bloodthirsty, and painful for true lovers. Earlier in ancient Rome, a festival called Lupercalia was held.

Where men talk about alcohol and get naked and they often hit young women in the belief that this will make women fertile.


They don’t stop there, then they play a matchmaking lottery game in which all the boys pull the names of the women from a jar. They then pair up for the duration of the festival and after the festival, they only continue together if the union is perfect otherwise the men will break the relationship and look for a new person.


All people celebrate this day by sending romantic messages of love and affection to their partner, family, and friends. Couples spend special time together to make their loving relationship stronger.

They also exchange gifts, flowers, and Valentine’s Day gifts for each other. Some guys and girls confess their love to the partner of their dreams and ask them to commit.

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The celebration of this festival varies from person to person according to their preferences. Some people celebrate this day to celebrate their love life more beautifully with the partners of their dreams while some people celebrate this festival for just their own fun and to play with.

Their hearts people, some people celebrate this festival as the early Romans did by bossing women and imposing verifiable relations on them leading to the destruction of both their lives. man and woman.

Valentine’s Day is a true sign of love and sacrifice. Saint Valentine gave his life to maintain humanity and love among the people of their country. You have taught us that the true meaning of love is to live for others, you have sown love in every human heart.

As a great legend, he always supports true lovers and leads them to a happy married life. But today half of the world’s population has changed the meaning of love. They don’t make sacrifices for others but force others to sacrifice everything for them. People call their selfish behavior love, which is not appropriate. True love is something that doesn’t imprison you, but something that sets you free to soar high in the sky of your dreams.

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