The world of Dragon Ball has expanded to ridiculous levels since day one when Bulma encountered young Goku following the death of the Saiyan’s adoptive grandfather, Gohan. With Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super introducing many new heroes and villains, a new clothing line takes fans back to the early days of the Shonen series with costumes that blend the series with some classic artwork that brings a whole new flair to the popular anime property.
Although the likes of Goku, Bulma, Krillin, Yamcha, and Master Roshi were major players throughout the original series, Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super opened up the world of Z-Fighters by leaps and bounds over many decades. With the franchise’s upcoming film already in theaters in Japan and set to hit North America and other countries this August, Gohan, and Piccolo will take center stage this time to battle against the Red Ribbon Army reincarnation in the first criminal organization. appeared in the original series and now has two new androids at its disposal in Gamma 1 and Gamma 2.
Here are the costumes of Dragonball Super DBZ that metal unisex brings to you
Dragonball Super DBZ Goku Black Short Sleeve T-shirt
Goku Gogeta Drip Shirt, Anime Gift Ideas
Goku & Vegeta T-Shirt Anime Shirt Anime Streetwear Aesthetic Clothing Vintage Tee
Goku And Vegeta Dragon Ball Z Essential Shirt, dragon ball z, Son Goku Vintage T-Shirt
Goku Poster Hoodie Anime Streetwear Vintage Pullover Aesthetic Clothing Anime Hoodie
Goku Standing Hoodie Anime Streetwear Vintage Pullover Aesthetic Clothing Anime Hoodie
Goku Super DragonBall Shirt
Goku Stare T-Shirt Anime Shirt Anime Streetwear Aesthetic Clothing Vintage Tee
Unisex style t-shirt suitable for both men and women.
Printed and shipped right here in the best country on the planet, USA. ????
Be proud of your new shirt, trust us, we know how it looks. ????
You will LOVE our t-shirt designs! Our graphics. Note: I use a Gildan t-shirt T-shirts are 100% material, sweatshirts and hoodies are 50% cotton 50% polyester We only return orders when there is a manufacturer’s fault (for example, the shirt is not the agreed size, wrong picture) Sweatshirts, Hoodies with me are available in the following colors: purple, orange, antique yellow, daisy, light pink, berry